What’s anti-Semitic?
David Leonhardt
NYT - Feb. 12, 2019
Mr. Leonhardt,
You call this anti-Semitic while overlooking the serious nature and history of The Military Political Complex of Islam.
David Leonhardt
NYT - Feb. 12, 2019
Mr. Leonhardt,
You call this anti-Semitic while overlooking the serious nature and history of The Military Political Complex of Islam.
Israel has "hypnotized the world” to keep people from seeing its “evil doings.”Congresswoman Ilham Omar
Would you consider the Prophet Mohammed and almost 1400 years of the same history Anti-Semitic !?
A battle, at Badr,(627) between the followers of Mohammad and the Meccans protecting the caravans which Mohammad won led to victory celebrations. Returning to Yathrib al Madinah he celebrated by killing non-supporters in the Jewish tribes under his control.
This was considered a great victory for Mohammad. In celebration Mohammad and his followers killed over 900 Jewish men, who had done him no harm, and sold the women and children into slavery. Then expelled two more Jewish tribes from their
homelands in the areas he controlled.
H G Wells 1920
CAIR 2012
I do not care what you call it !!
The honor killing and murder and slave culture of Islam is unacceptable by any person with any morality or decency about them.
Just because Muslims cross a international border or we elect them to Congress does not change the facts. They are still followers of the Prophet.
Lightfoot Letters
A battle, at Badr,(627) between the followers of Mohammad and the Meccans protecting the caravans which Mohammad won led to victory celebrations. Returning to Yathrib al Madinah he celebrated by killing non-supporters in the Jewish tribes under his control.
This was considered a great victory for Mohammad. In celebration Mohammad and his followers killed over 900 Jewish men, who had done him no harm, and sold the women and children into slavery. Then expelled two more Jewish tribes from their
homelands in the areas he controlled.
H G Wells 1920
CAIR 2012
I do not care what you call it !!
The honor killing and murder and slave culture of Islam is unacceptable by any person with any morality or decency about them.
Just because Muslims cross a international border or we elect them to Congress does not change the facts. They are still followers of the Prophet.
Lightfoot Letters
More Little Bits of History....
United States President Thomas Jefferson ordered the Navy and Marines to stop
Muslim pirates from the Barbary States seizing American merchant ships and holding the crews for ransom, demanding the U.S. pay tribute to the Barbary rulers. The President refused to pay this tribute.
Islam "was founded on the laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Quran that ll nations who would not acknowledge
their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to
make slaves of all they could take prisoners, and that ever Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise." - Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja - Tripoli Ambassador to Great Britain, 1786. He was answering the question why Muslims enslave and attack Americans.
1801- 1805
1.25 million Europeans were captured by Muslim pirates and sold as slaves between the 16th and 19th centuries.
The Bashi Bazouks Muslims killed the pregnant women and killed the unborn infants to insure their ticket to heaven.
The Village of Batak
Daily News - August 1876
(We) must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men." -
The Liberal Lion
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
1864 - 1965
Jeddah Business District
Saudi Arabia
A man and a woman had been declared guilty of murder. The man was brought before the Prince, a nephew of the King and charges were read. The man was quickly decapitated by the executioner.
"Now a woman was dragged forward. She too was under thirty and slender. The recital of her crime was read. Then the executioner stepped forward with a wooden stave (wooden pole) and delt her a hundred blows with all his strength upon her shoulder. As the flogging (beating) ended the woman sagged over on her side. Next a lorry (truck) loaded with rocks and stones deposited it's cargo in a pile. At a signal from the Prince the crowd leaped on the stones and started pelting the woman to death. The crowd no longer silent. The men snarled and shouted as they flung their stones, their faces transformed into masks of sadism. It took over an hour before the doctor in attendance, who halted the stoning periodically to feel the victims pulse, announced her dead. It was difficult to determine how she was facing her last and awful ordeal, since she was veiled in Muslim fashion and her mouth was gagged to muffle her cries."
'Come to the Middle East,' pleaded an air lines poster in a nerby window. 'Savor it's romance, it's colour, it's quaint traditions...'
R. M. Macoll - Feb. 1958
"The handful of horrified Europeans in the crowd will not quickly forget."
(evidently they did)
Followers of the Prophet Mohammad, the Muslim's
invasion of India greatly increased 'religious diversity.' Muslim rulers inflicted oppressive taxes, killed and enslaved the infidel Hindus.
Just as Mahmud, the Turkish Muslim, had killed and enslaved Hindus before them.
Irving Gordon - 1979
World History
In Louis, MO, a 17-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her parents for bringing 'dishonor' to their family by dating an 'infidel' African-American.
Nov. 6, 1989
Muslims detonate a massive truck bomb under the World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring over 1,000 in an effort to collapse the towers. Feb. 2, 1993
"Followers of the Prophetic Mohammad always cast the
First Stone." - Lightfoot 2000
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army Muslim (major and psychiatrist) fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. It was the deadliest mass shooting on an American military base.
The U.K. law enforcement reported at least 2,823 individuals classified as victims of honor crimes. 2010
CAIRO -- A video showing Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Muslims burning a captive Jordanian pilot to death brought an outpouring of grief and rage. CBS - 2015
DOJ estimates 23 to 27 victims of Honor Crimes each year in the United States of America. 2016
Qandeel Baloch's death reignited polarizing calls for action against the "epidemic" of honour killings. 2016
Muslim migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah. New
York - Oct. 31, 2017
The Village of Batak
Daily News - August 1876
(We) must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men." -
The Liberal Lion
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
1864 - 1965
Jeddah Business District
Saudi Arabia
A man and a woman had been declared guilty of murder. The man was brought before the Prince, a nephew of the King and charges were read. The man was quickly decapitated by the executioner.
"Now a woman was dragged forward. She too was under thirty and slender. The recital of her crime was read. Then the executioner stepped forward with a wooden stave (wooden pole) and delt her a hundred blows with all his strength upon her shoulder. As the flogging (beating) ended the woman sagged over on her side. Next a lorry (truck) loaded with rocks and stones deposited it's cargo in a pile. At a signal from the Prince the crowd leaped on the stones and started pelting the woman to death. The crowd no longer silent. The men snarled and shouted as they flung their stones, their faces transformed into masks of sadism. It took over an hour before the doctor in attendance, who halted the stoning periodically to feel the victims pulse, announced her dead. It was difficult to determine how she was facing her last and awful ordeal, since she was veiled in Muslim fashion and her mouth was gagged to muffle her cries."
'Come to the Middle East,' pleaded an air lines poster in a nerby window. 'Savor it's romance, it's colour, it's quaint traditions...'
R. M. Macoll - Feb. 1958
"The handful of horrified Europeans in the crowd will not quickly forget."
(evidently they did)
Followers of the Prophet Mohammad, the Muslim's
invasion of India greatly increased 'religious diversity.' Muslim rulers inflicted oppressive taxes, killed and enslaved the infidel Hindus.
Just as Mahmud, the Turkish Muslim, had killed and enslaved Hindus before them.
Irving Gordon - 1979
World History
In Louis, MO, a 17-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her parents for bringing 'dishonor' to their family by dating an 'infidel' African-American.
Nov. 6, 1989
Muslims detonate a massive truck bomb under the World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring over 1,000 in an effort to collapse the towers. Feb. 2, 1993
"Followers of the Prophetic Mohammad always cast the
First Stone." - Lightfoot 2000
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army Muslim (major and psychiatrist) fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. It was the deadliest mass shooting on an American military base.
The U.K. law enforcement reported at least 2,823 individuals classified as victims of honor crimes. 2010
CAIRO -- A video showing Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Muslims burning a captive Jordanian pilot to death brought an outpouring of grief and rage. CBS - 2015
DOJ estimates 23 to 27 victims of Honor Crimes each year in the United States of America. 2016
Qandeel Baloch's death reignited polarizing calls for action against the "epidemic" of honour killings. 2016
Muslim migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah. New
York - Oct. 31, 2017
HER CRIME ? Defending Women’s Rights in Iran "Nasrin Sotoudeh was sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes for defending women who removed their head scarves."
New York Times -Mar. 14, 2019
“Islam is a dangerous set of beliefs totally incompatible with Western beliefs concerning freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of association.”
Professor Carol Swain - 2018A Good Read - HONOR LOST
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