Feb. 10, 2019
Promo: Black History Month
It is always a noble idea to celebrate the rights under our Constitution outlined by John Locke’s Second Treatise on government established the *philosophical foundation for much of the American system of government and brought forth the idea of “natural rights,”
A segregated Congress, a segregated State Legislature, segregated Student Unions and segregated museums, segregated history etc.,is not the just or the best way forward.
Fredrick Douglas was as concerned about women's right to vote as the right of slaves to vote. I do not think *Douglas would be pleased to see US putting segregation back in public policy just like the Democrat Party and the Klan of the past.
Just a thought,
Lightfoot Letters
Sent from my iPhone somewhere in space and time where "The genius of America is that out of the many we became one. Providence has enabled our paths to intersect. His fore parents came to America on immigrant ships. My fore parents came to America on slave ships. But, whatever the original ships, we're in the same boat tonight.
Rev. Jessie Jackson - July 20, 1988
*liberal philosophy
*or King or King Jr.
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