.....Beck may not be important, but the message was!
August 30, 2010
Letter to the Editor
New York Times
I was doing nothing of importance except listing to Tim Conway Jr., KWIZ 640 AM, on a lazy Saturday. He caught my attention when he said something to the effect of one thing we did not know and something that would not be in the New York Times or the Los Angeles Times or like print or network news. Be right back after the news break with Eric Bender.
First, what we did not know. Tim played a tape of Dr. Aveda King niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "My Uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during his lifetime was a Republican." I was not surprised knowing a little about history. Larry Elder, another popular talk show host, film maker and commentator's dad was a lifelong Republican. His mom a Democrat. Booker T. Washington thought that Negroes should give up the Republican Party which befriended them during Reconstruction and which he regarded as their emancipator. That was a polite way of saying if you don't vote Democrat you will not be allowed to vote in Democrat controlled elections. There could be a lot of closet conservatives, classical liberals and libertarians in the Democrat Party in certain areas of the country.
Second, the speech by Dr. Aveda King at the Lincoln Memorial would not be acknowledged by the main print News or the network news.
"If Martin Luther King Jr., were here today. He would surely commend us for giving honor where honor is due.“Our nation is not yet past racism because our nation has not yet understood that there is one race: human. We are of one human family." "We must not oppress each other and help those being oppressed." "God bless you Glenn Beck." Dr. Avenda King.
One piece especially caught my attention in the Huff Post. 'Glenn Beck's Attempt to Bastardize Dr. King's Dream' - by Hasan Kwame Jeffries - Author of Bloody Lowndes, Race-Talk contributor. I was not at the event and can not speak from first had knowledge. But, from the live feed that I was listening to, I did not get the idea or feeling that Dr, Aveda King was trying to 'bastardize' her Uncle or his speech.
Many Democrats in the media condemn talk-news stations as the next worse organization since the Devil and the Fallen Angels formed a monopoly on Hell.. However, I think Tim Conway Jr., Timmy to some of his friends, Mr. Conway to me, has brought a subject to light that is way more important than even he thinks it is. Tim is either a mind reader or the *social engineers in the media have become so predictable, so much, to be not relevant. If you are the New York Times, LA Times, NBC, ABC and CBS news to be no longer relevant is to be on your way to extinction.
Job well done Mr. Conway Jr. along with KWIZ 640 AM., which most of the time is 'more stimulating talk radio.' and for being right, more informative and accurate than the so-called main stream media.
Lightfoot Letters
cc: Tim Conway Jr.
LA Times
KWIZ 640 AM Radio
No Beck-Palin ticket in 2012, talk show host says - By Michael A. Memoli, August 30. LA Times
At Lincoln Memorial, a Call for Religious Rebirth - By Kate Zernike, Carl Hulse and Brian Knowlton - August 28. New York Times
Mr. Beck Goes to Washington - By Ross Douthat, Published: August 29, 2010. New York Times.
Glenn Beck's Attempt to Bastardize Dr. King's Dream' - by Hasan Kwame - Huffington Post - August 29.
Articles and news stories considered..picked at random.
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